What a lens to look at the morning through, these onion poems. The strange devastating images in the Joudah poem on the one far end and the "domestic perfume" of Matthews on the other. And all the wordplay in the Symborska translation -- daimonion, omninudity . . I wonder what it was like in the Polish original and how the translators managed it!
What a lens to look at the morning through, these onion poems. The strange devastating images in the Joudah poem on the one far end and the "domestic perfume" of Matthews on the other. And all the wordplay in the Symborska translation -- daimonion, omninudity . . I wonder what it was like in the Polish original and how the translators managed it!
Poland wins again.
From a psychiatrist:
Some patients you want to help peel the layers of the onion.
Some you want to help put them back on.