Sitemap - 2024 - The Sharpener

"Of the sharp, enamelled eyes and the spectacled claws"

Craft: Robert Mezey

"Snow is a hybrid of wish and lament"

"In my body I felt no pain"

"left in the ghastly order"

"Loose ghostly mouths"

"Places are different from people"

"You can either make love or die at the hands of the Cobra Commander"

Craft: Ai

"needful to someone"

"Looks back at you in miniature"

"a thicket of silver leaves"

"With a whisper no one understands"

"this squat package of sounds"

Craft: Carl R. Martin

"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards"

"Tree of all attributes"

"Was numinous creature to their dying"

Reading Groups!

"We all are"

"the green turn in the river's green"

"one of the branches"

Writing Problems: Perseverance

"the pins to the lines"

"a speck of the earth costs"

"eyes beneath coins"

"Alchemize silence"

"It is intensely sad"

"Scales and hunter, goat and horologe"

"throwing a myth in and out"

Craft: Hannah Weiner

"Not at Home to Callers"

"some of your flimmering silver"

"getting ready to go away and going away"

"only the street that solves the stars"

"Enough to want to start backward"

Craft: José Garcia Villa

"The song, like the world"

"where the sea is the most expensive blue"

"I didn't know I loved sparks"

"a little pain making honey"

"Another cannot wake thy giant-size!"

"nested mirror-within-mirror"

Craft: Besmilr Brigham

"world's ever-more-disappearing vacancy"

"Lived to tell the tale—"

"Veil all the mirrors"

"how can our love move more surroundingly"

"Oratory of those hammers"

"The body mirrors itself"

Craft: Primus St. John

"A swoon, a cramp, a stupor"

"I knew everyone here"

"tolerate its careless brash intrusion"

"the living stars ask when"

"growling from within the whirlwind"

"The stone over your heart"

Writing Problems: Titles

"The waters flow past"

"The tubers, the roots"

"in this morose part of the earth"

"the little quavers as the local tongues"

"Vast locomotives sobbed somewhere in the night"

"the one salvaged column"

Craft: Sotère Torregian

"a splintered notion"

"Released forever from all charge of letters"

"that no wall holds it"

"For the ocean, nothing is beneath consideration"

"Is it your position life isn't a fountain?"

"opened past your inch-close eyes"

Writing Problems: Where Do Poems Come From?

"With you I was transplanted twice"

"the yellow spout of the anthrax-ray"

"inside the mirror and in her"

"The deep muscle of the world"

"Sauntered in green alleys and grew rife"

"knives within myself"

Craft: Alejandra Pizarnik

"All cold-nosed toward identity"

"It is thus that they sing"

"Mildly solemn without its milk"

"It's a kind of gone-to-Kansas feeling"

"You are the prickly pear"

"sunned and birch bark-floated"

Craft: Hilde Domin

"A neon rose"

"the armored teardrop"

"I assume her horror is smaller than mine"

"We say God and the imagination are one..."

"Hot breath tucked into a neck"

"In the bottleneck places"

Craft: Joy Kogawa

"The spectre of solidities"

"unmanageable thing in me"

"Be thou that wintry sound"

"they heard the new fruit drop"

"a web of tiny lines"

"heirs of an unseen lineage"

"We are passing through the world"

Craft: Samuel Greenberg (Did Hart Crane plagiarize?)

"it joins those hordes"

"into water pus of a silver volcano"

"an emerald dream"

"Not the dumb earth"

"blobs on the green cloth"

Writing Problems: Zombie poetry!

"I am to see to it that I do not lose you"

"no bathrobe, no loofah, no vascular reaction"

"like a bandoneon wet to the bones"

"Build an ear for that"

"This is what we are now"

"Dressed in cobalt, charcoal, thistle—and control"

Writing Problems: Is My Manuscript Good Enough?

"a flash of eyes & nerves"

"in a shadow hand"

"The silence else unbroken all about"

"The leathern wings belabour"

"An embowered path"

"Blue drop of thunder"

Craft: How to organize a manuscript


"A Borer in the Axis"

"Piano laughter"

"Loud noons of cities"

"wave-eroded silver"

"Without her/ Diadem -"