Sitemap - 2021 - The Sharpener

"Saxifrage is my flower that splits the rocks"

"It was offered to me by name"

"oscillations of planetary pass-pass"

"into the glandular chains of my home"

"bone to bone"

Craft: Jean Valentine

"What is to become of us?"

"Silence is the shape that has passed"

"And dance this boneharp tree"

"I am the only animal"

"foreign to my thought, as Firmament to Fin"

"the ashes, the brick-dust, the bitter iron"

Craft: What are editors for?

"It was my only link"

"No blue without yellow"

"It hurt like self"

"Shame is the shawl of Pink"

"Shadow, sweet liquid brimming the flesh's shallow basin"

"Green was the singing house"

Writing Problems: "Writers are all secret Jews"

"an earth crib for your heart"

Sharpener Survey v.2

Sharpener Reader Survey

"the bright watchers are still there"

"will they keep you warm?"

"Light, chill and yellow"

"never mine and never not mine"

"not to touch the words carnally"

Writing Problems: Feedback

"Smooth out the substance of your acetylene worry"

"with five little ferocities"

"in obedience to Persephone's bees"

"Cosine and tangent of my discontent"

"The burning sky rolls up"

"brutal in its own rung music"

Craft: Tautology

"endless seeds of humid ivory"

"Propt in dark masses on the evening sky"

"Art hurts. Art urges voyages—"

"Passing the dark rooms of dreamers"

"embrace this letting, letting"

"Belong to the Lord of oxygen and watershowers"

One Year of The Sharpener

Writing Problems: Format

"how I loved that terrible flame"

"loneliness into loneliness"

"The privacy of them had a river in it"

"and so says the Dawn"

"the eyelid of a shadow shuts the hills"

"Her O-mouth grieves at the world"

Writing Problems: Reconciliation

"Frost on a leaf, immaculate"

Upcoming Events

"remain over me my monument"

"Your native zone is silence"

"incised with unknown signs"

"don't wait for mist"

"A flower is moral by its own flowering"

Craft: Intention/Trauma

"To let go the means, to wake"

"Easy and often as each breath"

"what it denies and what it fulfills"

"in the glass cabinet"

"Creature and creature, we stared down centuries"

"the sinking of things"

Craft: Revision

"The dark thing is hardly visible"

"steer into the air"

"Unknowing I must soon unpetal"

"a nest of white beasts"

"Light is time reflecting on time"

"four white lines"

Writing Problems: Extinction

"in the matrix of desire"

"around the world on its crumpled skate"

"a form of flexi-feeling"

"passing through one condition on its way to the next"

"To something upper wooing us"

"clear or amber"

Craft: Voice

"There are bones and there is consuming"

"streams in the air foils"

"in a forgotten language"

"who is it watching me behind your eyelids"

"Law is We"

"everything here has cold hands"

Writing Problems: Facebook

"What am I to make of these signs?"

"topazes riding the droplets"

"in this small corner"

"Beaches are strewn again with Jasper, Agate, and Jade"

"a slice of onyx in the sideyard"

"with your mending kit"

Writing Problems: Exile

"An hour later, you're in paradise"

"Password. Installation. Root of tongues."

"the twin rows of cedars"

"the blood flows slowly, the blood flows"

"why is silver cloister"

"Silence reigned"

"Secrets stapled there"

Writing Problems: Moral Injury

"The shadow was not filled it went on growing"

"fallen with the after-hush"

"Only the mist is real"

"Grace is still a secret"

"the odors the pipes and yes the boo"

"Sea-skill and the way to find"

Craft: Short Poems

"Musicians of the black keys"

"Every tissue in us lies"

"thriving in the running folds"

"abandoned unto utter abandon"

"in the brine and the resin"

"not a part of, apart from"

Writing Problems: Sincerity

"I am the tree that trembles and trembles"

"a dark horse"

"Of dahlias and one elated lily"

"seemingly endless yellowness"

"icy spaces and endless mystery"

Craft: Metaphor

"in rucked or spiked addenda"

"a handful of tribes on a rather small rock"

"loaded with darkness"

"To live is to build a ship and a harbor"

"I can murmur broken"

"with its five fingers spread"

Writing Problems: Money

"Look look look quickly"

"this fogging up transparency is it"

"something immediate, open scissors"

"We stand at the source"

"speaking with people who are silent"

"Ninety-seven percent of my world is wizardry, Three percent is organ, bone"

"spike and wing, slate-blue"

Craft: Practice

"Quiet to quiet, I called back"

"shadows falling like black orchids through the air"

"turning to stone, wanting to drop"

"when the red moon and the darkness marry"

"a sweet belt on my manycolored skin"

Writing Problems: Poetry after Auschwitz

"in their simple feeling for one"

"an ocean dimly perceived like an aftertaste"

"green fire between them"

"in a brown world made of wood"

"and the root comes"

"Life is beset by small accidents"

Writing Problems: Shame

"the satin secret collects"

"but none will pass the Catacomb"

"No one eats oranges in the full moon's light"

"Not me, nor you—"

"Water striving to re-establish its mirror"

"Radiant with spokes as if set free"

"And you have become a rich darkness"

Craft: Volta

"We spoke in whispers when we spoke at all"

"Green I want you green"

"and in meaning it is the meaning"

"glory in the shapeless maps"

"Air waits for us"

Writing Problems: Simplicity and Difficulty

"Between two parentheses"

"Why do people lie to one another?"

"Moon on rippled stream"

"Bearing the odors of the summer fields"

"part memory part distance remaining"

"the bird-chatter of little rivers"

"Yes, it threw waves across our lives"

Craft: The art of the poetry manuscript

"Now night a cool moss"

"Toasted susie is my ice-cream"

"or humped, whole, manqué, quasi, each pleases, verging"

"the black frost of outsiderness"

"A single color oversweeps the field"

Craft: How to Get Back Into Writing

"the piano at the top of the Alps"

"I caught the gazer of spaces"

"Master of the still stars and of the flaming door."

"We don't need to see anything out of the ordinary. We already see too much"

"ghostly subtexts of marks & jars"

"It is not a passage, this breathing"

I've fixed the consultation link

Writing Problems: Creative Reading

"the lily, the flame, the truelove knot"

Survey Results and Special Offer

"A guestly turn to darkness"

"Wandering the split paths"

"shrouded by the mantled oxter"

"the week became forever"

"The leaves of yellow metal"

Craft: Writing Prompts

"Palaces of drift and crystal"

"the beautiful half of a golden hurt"

"at the window with not even your rage"

"dust motes moving in the single sun-beam"

"the one was the other and both were no one"

"A sloop of amber slips away"

Craft: Drafts and How Poems Get Made

"the washed colors of the afterlife"

"every falling thing"

"Your voice is the listened-for music"

"whether it is air or it is nothing"

"Crazy with ruby ills"

"The smooth earth, swept clean of horses"

Writing Problems: Clearer and Worse

"The history of the frame reframes itself as the history of the failure to reframe"

"shedding blue tassels over the land"

"It is leviathan and we in its belly"

"Why was I born among mirrors?"

"Here the past—soulscape"

"The moment between Have & Shall Not Want"

Writing Problems: Writer's Block

"I wake hard-grasped"

A Special Sharpener Announcement

"as strut or wing, as polytope, as things are constellated"

"What in all that was real."

"glass-clear to no bottom"

"Into what?"

"Dark trees have bottled its light."

Writing Problems: Politics / Empathy / Change

"A something overtakes the mind—we do not hear it coming"

"The tangents of desire"

"fingering through your spaces"

"on the star inside me"

"you seek corners where the blackness has worn off"

"into the quiet of Night's frame"

Writing Problems: Pacing and Production

"It is a warm green rain"

"a pollen-fall: a rhombus of topaz"

"tonguelet, howling, we will greet each other"

"What silence?"

"A white sun in its wet sentences"

"Our silence rolled like oil"

Craft: What is craft?

"wander in the big dome of living tissue"

"In the passageways"

"the third level of sleep"

"Green above and green below"

"life harvests its grape self"

"eyes open when they should have been closed"

Writing Problems: Keeping the wilderness alive

"in their different kinds of air"

"Climb into a jar"

"neither going nor coming"

"you draw the black straw out of me"

Poetry Editorial Services

"once this world was water"

"slow, violet curtains"

Craft: Hybrid work

"Passed through the thousand darknesses of deathbringing speech"

"into her upper airs"

"by the no-one and the not-watching"

"dragons transforming themselves"

"half the time trying to wave them away"

"I will let the odd curve merge"

Writing Problems: Gardening and getting rid of debris

"dull, sweet durances, human silences"

"shuttled thru the tubes of earth"

"the landscape lush, metallic, flayed"

"Whisk the lamps away"

"it sings a map-green ocean"

"A dry fire eats you"

Writing Problems: Compassionate imagination

"You are a planet on this planet"

"a rainbow made of wolves"

"catch water with a pin"

"The ladder reaches to the moon"

"Struggles in the pit"

"on the wet sand, and animal sleep"

"For you, stranger"

Craft: Draft Diagnostics

"Find the words"

"The Brain has Corridors"

"Jasmine and gasoline"

"a small planet made of emptiness"

"water roaring through the place"

Craft: Five Things that Prevent People from Writing Better Poems

"On a board of raspberry and pure gold"

"Immortal the wild sage"

"the Feather of feeling"

"the joy of being a telephone"

"there is one happy creature"

"The vision was met with in every air"

"give me breathing space"

Craft: How to End Poems

Six-week seminar: Poetry as Thought II

"Some have chimes"

"into our very blood, into glance and gesture, and are nameless"

"going raw into painful air"

"circle the habit of your meaning"


Writing Problems: Professional Development

"Is your cucumber bitter?"

"an old gate opens in the sky"

"The hurt is not enough"

"it is idolatry not indifference"

"towards the lost land"

"Yes yes, we're magicians"

Craft: Visual Metaphor and Memory

"in a slain voice"

"prowl beyond the undergrowth"

"our relative the air"

"I sang in my chains like the sea"

"fire undressed my bones"

"In being one in being that one she was one."

"favor, drag, well-oiled protection"

Writing Problems: Getting Published

"unassertive colors of soap"

"your head like a carving in space"

"the wind's iron apple"

"such a small phase of it"

"the bite in the ribbon"

Writing Problems: Not Writing

"Act so there is no use in a center"

"the gap between image and real light"

"Dream is a second life"

"To the vision of your twin acts"

"the inner mind that says 'yes' and 'no'"

"at no bird dawn—"

Craft: How to organize a poetry manuscript

"the time of moon is not right for escape"

"it is difficult to appear so"

"impulses, aims, oscillations"

"wild pink break"

"metabolic, metaphoric, metamorphic"

"the secret eyes"

Writing Problems: The Position of the Poet

"an ivory button"

"light silver as dimes"

"pencil for a wing-bone"

"moon lights their manes"

"the night copies me"

"as the sea needs to heave"

Writing Problems: Neoliberalism

"melting lords of death"

"like the wheels of birds"

"where trace becomes existence"

"out to the meadow"

"Broad as an arm of the sea"

"A little black triangle"

Craft: Care more about what a line is than what a poem is.

"the perpetual star multifoliate rose"

"the fire of the daemon"

"the incurious seeker"

"a train tunnel, or God's intestine."

"metallic coils of the tide"

"your eyes are filled with longing"

Craft: Write from impulse and not rules.

"attractions nobody can see"

"grey laths began somewhere"

"A warm, dark corner."

"living above the line"

"through a forest of empty armor"

"A thousand colors from white to silver."

Craft: Creating poems that appear simultaneously spontaneous, yet inevitable. 

"Will gleam and understand"

"surging down a mile of manifest"

"driven by a godawful wind"

"the inside of an anthill"

"a cube of hot, smoking conscience."

"with nothing blowing between your house and mine"

"Let me taste the autumn fires."

Writing Problems: Truth

"they are in another world."

"The braid of oblivion."

"Thought feathers"

"Sorrow to sorrow as the sparks fly upward."

"the stone behind the eye"

Craft: Think thoughts into wholeness

"So many of us!"

"I feare, and hope: I burne, and frese like yse..."